A 20 years old male patient came to the clinic after having a road traffic accident. He lost one of his lateral incisor and both the central incisors were broken. Patient was obviously worried about his looks but because he had to face a job interview he was in a panic sitation. But just after few appointments with Dr.Himanshu Agarwal and all ceramic bridge/metal free bridge, look at the amazing improvement in his teeth. This gave him his lost confidence back helping him to successfully face the interview and bag is job.
A 19 year old female patient came with dark colored and fractured front two teeth. They were in this state because of injury. She was worried for her looks and the health of her front two teeth. After root canal treatment of both her front teeth and providing her with all ceramic/metal free caps/crown her worried were put to rest. All this in only 4 appointments with Dr.Himanshu Agarwal
A 65 year old patient came to the clinic with missing front teeth. Patient felt embarrassed while interacting with his friends and acquaintances because his speech was not clear and he looked and felt old. But just in two appoinments he regained his confidence to interact with his family and friends and felt and looked much younger
25 year old female who was due to get married in a months time was not at all happy with her looks due to missing front tooth. But in two appointments her missing tooth was replaced with a fixed bridge giving her wonderful smile and happy marriage photographs.
A 15 year old female came to the clinic with and emergency. She had fallen while cycling and fractured her lateral incisor. Luckily she brought fractured piece immediately keeping it in milk. More than the looks she was worried about her parents finding out about her misadventure and scolding her. Dr. Himanshu Agarwal put back her fractured tooth piece in place, in the same emergency appointment, not only giving back her smile but also putting her worries to rest. Although he advised her to take her parents in confidence and tell them about the whole incidence.
A 12 year old patient came with a right central incisor in small bottle filled with milk. He had falled 30 min back and the incisor came out completely. Luckily parents had the presence of mind to bring to bring the tooth along This was and emergency and to much relief of parents the tooth was placed in the socket immediately by Dr.Himanshu Agarwal and stabilized.
A 35 year old female patient having worn front teeth was not happy with the way her teeth looked. She was having sensitivity and wanted a durable and less expensive treatment. In Just two appointment with Dr.Himanshu Agarwal and composite restorations her teeth got new fresh look and sensitivity was also gone.
A 32 year old female patient having cavities in the front two teeth come to the clinic complaining of sensitivity pain and food getting stuck between the teeth. She was also concerned with the looks of her front teeth. After only 3 appoints all her concerns were addressed and her smile beamed with confidence.
A 30 year old male patient with a habit of chewing gutka came to the clinic. He wanted to get rid of the gutka stains so that he can attend a family function without anyone noticing condition of his teeth. 20 mins of scaling on the same day made his teeth appear brighter and cleaner giving him a satisfied smile and confidence to attend the family function without inhibition.
A 20 year old female patient having, locked upper front teeth and restricted smile. She was treated using fixed braces for 6 months and the result was fuller and confident smile.
15 year old female patient with gap in the front two teeth which was reduced in 6 months using fixed braces.
A 50 year old female patient was having an unaesthetic filling in front teeth which causing her lack of self confidence. A composite tooth colored filling was done to improve her smile.I took only one appointment to regain her self confidence.
All staff members of Dental Clinic are licensed professionals. Our staff consists of licensed general dentists.